Prison Documentary That's So Bad It Was Banned In The U.S.A. (Parchman P...
I believe he is innocent and did after the first minute I saw him. Pisses Us off big time this is the great whore of Babylon Jurisprudence in the west. Blake CushingRex: 202 TEXAS PRISON STORIES RE: Parchman Prison I believe this boy is innocent I do. I know what it is like when cops collude for a purpose they have an inbuilt capacity to lose all Empathy for a paycheck? Most convictions are negotiated. People plead guilty to stuff all the time I know I did it too. It is common practice for cops to take them sexual frustrtion out on criminals the more disadvantaged the better. RCMP have the hots for My Squaws. N then kill them n drop em off in a snowbank knowing the animals will feed before anyone can ever know who she was. Just a rumor We heard from My own squaw. Her first lover was her grandma. One a the best sex partners o My life. Go figure. Feeding on My dying parents paid every penny of tax owed all them life and get treated so avage as they lay dying so defective Leeeeeech...