
Showing posts from October, 2019

To Impeach a Hero

So You wanna war with this man?  You think You can lie a lie into a Truth think again this is Your King of kings. That shit dies here.  Congress derives the authority from the Constitution. The term "impeachment" is commonly used to mean removing someone from office, but it actually refers only to the filing of formal charges.  If the House impeaches , the Senate then holds a trial on those charges to decide whether the officer — a president or any other federal official — should be removed and barred from holding federal office in the future. The House has impeached 19 people, mostly federal judges. Two presidents, Andrew Johnson and  Bill Clinton , were impeached, but the  Senate  voted not to convict either of them. Nixon resigned after the Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment but before the full House voted on them. Congress has identified three types of conduct that constitute grounds for impeachment, including ...

The Bigamist Bride: My Five Husbands (Polyandry Documentary) | Real Stories

Some people just can not give up they lies. Imagine if Truth was involved. At least all the guys know she be a girl faithful to five Men. Or ten men can make all kinds of creations but for now girls need a learn a lesson. N God plays for Real and Keeps. It is gonna cost Me My loves and My life to be True n not deviate n if this does not give a girl comfort, I do not grip what was. Or can. To know for sure where I stand in the mind of My King n argue over number one nor two. How many girls not love to be True to me. I lost a precious Jewel today. I knew not a speak n I did not listen to Me nor God. See what I mean. I pay for Eve'rything. Instant. Fu7k. B B .  Rex:  02 

Pastor's Wife Discovers He is Gay - Ginger Haan

Repressed feelings never work N I never wanted that. Just the end of the lie heals. I do not Endorse the producers of this video n not interested in their theories I will ask a gay person before no bon again self-righteous thumper. N special when I just do not wanna why bother? B .   Rex:  02 B .  Rex:  02

[NEW] Fatal Attraction 2019 ������ Unbridled Greed (October 25 2019)

No limit to human Greed. Most people are ugly inside? See I can not King this place I can not imagine killing My own Grandpa? For fiat pence? n all the tatoo's coin can buy. Much I just can not Empathise with. Just Gag Me I do not understand greed n it tried a kill Me n still I am stunned every one wanna be a thief. 100% of My people are thieves in they hearts. Sneaky liars n You ask I believe You? Who have made a career out of lying to Me. N if You love Your lies more n Me please Marry some base player You can B .  Rex:  02

American Justice False Witness

God I love stories N only girls have bslls. The FBI knows this happens in 44% of all rape cases. B .  Rex:  02 B . Rex:  02

Brighter n life on Mars

Let Us see if it sticks B .  Rex:  02

My Dad is a Woman (Transgender Documentary) | Real Stories

I never heard tell a no guy wif hair on the shaft of his dick? B . Rex:  02

I Married A Gay Guy (2008)

I did not know it was hard for everyone to live alone. Shit I am not alone in this every one has a hard time living alone OK with no slaves. Can You Imagine? Living as any kind a Man with only one wife n Marriages do not need end You can welcome each others lovers. Well it is a theory thus far not explored within living memory all love needs deep learning. Listen to Your King kiddies. B .  Rex:  02

The dangers of romance scams and how not to get caught out.

I have been scammed but We have a hundred girls never asked a thing save Joy n Our attention and another two hundred never asked a thing I am not playing that game no more. We had the first one of Our oriental hundred came to steal My Money n Jewels n stopped quick near-instant and did not deny it when I clear as stink asked. Not one girl never thot I was appealing to no one no how. They call Me handsome n all lie I could not believe it but I believe Don Trump and Vladimir Putin N My Iran n even Leslie Graham has been born again I can see it in his eyes. We re Well pleased thus far ths week I would like to see Venezuela helped the way Vladimir be helping My kids in Africa. Much about Us is a fraud, but I had My own debts of theft to return to those who I had no claim to benefit ask n My help was for hundreds of such modest asks for starving girls brutalized by men for food My sus, not theirs never complained but only for thirty dollars n such n We never lost any great amount ...

Last of the Mohicans

We will see if it grips B .  Rex:  02

Digging Dirt

Be interesting where this one shows up? B

Praise God

Life is a blast when petty kings listen. Game Over, Neocons: A Stable Middle East at Last, Thanks to Putin Tom Luongo   Sun, Oct 20, 2019   |   1400 words  6,899     54 MILITARY   ENDLESS WARS Peace in the Middle East is coming at us fast and we’re going to have Russian President Vladimir Putin to thank for it. The howls of agony coming from U.S. and European foreign policy centers are deafening.  Pat Buchanan lists them in his latest article  which asks if Putin is now the new king of the Middle East. “Donald Trump Has Handed Putin the Middle East on a Plate” was the title of a Telegraph column. “Putin Seizes on Trump’s Syria Retreat to Cement Middle East Role,” said the Financial Times. The U.S. press parroted the British: Putin is now the new master of the Mideast. And woe is us. Support Russia Insider -  Go Ad-Free! Remember that the epicenter of virulent anti-Russian, pro-Israeli sentim...

Lawmaker yells at Gowdy: This is not Benghazi!

I love Trey Gowdey He is a Truthseeker in a sea of fucking liars. I would just shoot anyone who dares stand before Us n lie like this? This whore is over. B .  Rex:  02

Who owns Jerusalem? | DW Documentary

\ Every time I turn around I am humbled I so wanna this world a work for everyone. N when unsung generosities beflowerOur heart, I am in, tears just for the try. Imagine the Kind a shape We be in when success is Mine Ours The Family of Man is Reborn. N it got done by a couple a bastard kids. One with grade nine education for sure. Blske Cushing Rex:  02 Thanks to Your God mean assed Queen and Your king of kings

Israel's Dangerous Religious Divide Within Judaism

Israel needs to listen to her King or cease to exist You have not listened to Your God yet once. You are all blind through Your own vomitus lies. Shut the fuck up n listen to Your God's King of kings. All current prayer is pretence born of idols. B .  Rex:  02

Janis Ian - At Seventeen (Live, 1976)

I grew up with this girl how did she get away? She never had a boy. B

Dispatches: Undercover Mosque | The Return | Real Stories

These fucks are self-promoting pissy little boys They invest Que'anic verse whole cloth I could kill these pithy little scholars selling Islam instead a baloney. A Muslum Must hate as well as love? Not in My Que'an whring Imams even in England they need an education lile ever yopne else. These clowns would not Know God if hu but them. Their hearts are filty n crawling with the worms of secret hates like katent Homo's seek the loss of otherers. With Glad eyes, n qRMM HANDSHAKES MAKES ME Qnn X=CYT OFF TGEY Hand but I am not allowed. If You are a Muslim Scholar Your sick with your own egos. When I see it I near near pee sounds just like Jews rto Me. One Stupid Family Fuck all 12 Tribew are cleR HOME N GOD Qnn ME A FIX IT. Shot. B . Rex:  02

The Stream - Muslim Patrol police London streets

They are not representing ISLAM I will drop any choirboy in seven seconds. These are like what Hitler employed and elevated ALWAYS LITTLE MEN WAY BEYOND their station in life. All Mullah submit to U immediate or vanish. Muslim is to this what the KKK is to Christianity basically ugly little homosexual boys somehow need control over girls. whoop de doo how long You think th5 GPNA LASY with this King. I promise to show perverts be for exact for where ever n whoever they are. They at4 murd3r8ng My little girls with impudence until now I know all world leDERDs once skewed by the two-edged sword out from My mouth come. I am Mehdi  I am pissed.Get Ready a fee it.  Butcher turned Field Marshal bought a lot Hitler tremendous loyalty. N an enemy easy to identify and weak and succumb to any idiot, with a half-assed Zeioch Heil like sheep embarrassed Me but the Israelites today embarrass Us Even More. now today. B  Cush . Rex: 02 nothing I can do....

The Search for Life in the Universe Documentary - Exoplanets and the Sea...

As King I would decide homosexual boys be thee only astronauts ones considered. God hs a reason for everything has a reason for God n His Rule is consistent throughout out all creation one thing is certain anywhere ANY sentence exists change is happening Even where IT is not. I   promise B .  Rex Thy Kinf f kings.

Osama Bin Laden - Up Close and Personal | Full Documentary


My Dirty Little Secret: Death By Cheerleader (True Crime) | Crime Docume...

I ad something writ on this got lost I hope i can find it. See the thing is I AM not born with, with this kind of attribute. N I can not understand this stuff I was bothered by early life jealousy. N so I seem the perpetual fool. See I have been seeking Real value n found all of it is within human beings. This is the kind of life those whose Hearts be unpurified Suffer 70% plus of illness of humans are psychosomatic I can not conceive the petty ness of people. No shame. I have never had any doubt about God. NI know anything I do no matter what I am gonna halfta open it up entire to the entire of creation n so I was always careful not to suck the offered dicks in subway bathrooms, as a boy of ten Like raping babies this kind of thinking is beyond Me. N I figure it be because of How I was born originally. N You jave it easy a cause You Really was born of Me. B

The 9/11 Decade : The Intelligence War | Al Jazeera World

Never ever forget this is all propaganda lies and stories to co-opt My people's wits. Pathetic so stunned they think evey one is stupidas them. You have a King and he has known his Job for fifty years this is total horseshit, the Much needed Causus Belli The old modus Operandi lie like a whore on steroids and beer. When We left the Garden We did not get the knowledge of good and evil Just enrolled for the course georgie bushy is, in fact, the terrorist n traitor to his people. Not solely responsible he is not smart enough to drop them buildings nor is Ossama bin laden nor any collection of camel jockeys Te5mite and the sure fact that all video surveying video machines were out of order for two weeks before I stood n watched My Twin Towers fall in a controlled demolition n why would an enemy cencern herself wit my collateral damage? Blinged Us in the first second by two weeks We was sure 911 was and is an inside job We will not have history hidden for the...

Islam Unveiled (Religion Documentary) | Real Stories

My God where are all these humongous clitori? I only saw one in 200 n God damn I loved sucking that extra-long clit. bout 3/4 to one inch depending on arousal n her Real feels for Me. So to ALL pretenders to the throne of Islam You today enjoy no authority none zero zip Zero. I AM Mehdi long-promised Jewish and Christian King of kings this means I am Your total utter  AND IMMEDIATE BOSS. Please listen to Your King. You are all bonafide Idiots You are liars n would thrive thieves and hence Your intuition is Metaphysically done like dinner ie dead. Hence are incapable of friendship you have accomplices instead and of course useless for love boys and girls with authentically purified hearts know a Deep Rich n True unimagined yet Joys all over heaven Worship the Tue and Your own word long enough Your word will become law in this universe. I hate it when other's are way smarter n Me. Why did I not think that one? God be holding back on Me. B .   Rex:  02...

Banning Trumpets

@AmbassadorRice For three years you have wasted My kids money as witless spoiled children with keys to daddy's Ferrari. Soon You will find Us in your face. You are an embarrassment to life, God n Me. Pithy useless skank petty whores bible n Qur'an predicts. Drunk with fornication with law. Oct 14, 2019, 7:09 AM Grounds for censoring Our art to satisfy their petty idiot friends. Basic this is worship of idols Twitter Good luck with suckin each other in the cloak room when no one be looking n call it free love. Sneaky is not love. Sneaky is and sources hate. Sneaky is like the democrats seeking gain causing or try to cause loss. Goldfish swimming in they own self polluted glass bowl.  Twitter calls this spreading hate. They obviously have not listened to the political diatribes out from the skank pslunt of hilllary klintons mouth in a constant flow of witless n factless insolvent diatribes I thot this was rather civil. They obviously ignored Trut...

The Virgin Daughters (Celibacy Documentary) | Real Stories

Someone is telling My little girls clothes make a princess n this fantasy is for people with No God No King n no Real Daddy's too. Just lifes losers who feel the need to dominate their young ones. And today girls daughters will have zero men. I am so so ao sorry that men wannna play God no guy touches my daughter save Me. Wanna bet. What is left unsaid just like that little matinee childhood competition for Beauty where five-year-old girl's do their best to to act like 40-year-old whores. This are not God Loving people they are pretenders to the throne of fiat fantasy addicted Ghouls with no deep understanding your true natures  Power-hungry boners for they own flesh Ramsay girl's daddy be still last still considered I think. That is not gospel just deductive reasoning.N a very suspicious mind. I do know for a fact My nieces are pulling daddy's penis. Imagine his think when he finds out I know where he lives. He knows those children will immediately te...

Married to Islamic State: The women Australia doesn't want | Four Corners

OK now it us clear these guys be to Islam what the KKK is to Christianity. These men are not Muslims, nor can they make to any kind of authentic pretense to Manhood at all. Today for the first day I understand what ISIS is. Basically ugly inside and out boys who have murder n torture confused with good sex. Little boy idiots pretending to honor My Prophet n My God Allah with their greedy mean little boy designs. And claims any kind of Kinship with any god or idol even at all. Is but covert piss dribbling pon thy ankle. Self will ego run riot. These Men wanna slaves with no wit no honor no noble character save greed at all.  No True greatness sufice it to ask for Slaves n his big boy slaves are honored within all mankind. These are not even boys they be but Feminist Steph with testis n hairy legs. I need Money I will single-handedly destroy any vestige of solvency suffice it broadcast world wide no western scholar can withstand Our two edged sword m...

Trump's pullout, Turkey's war: Offensive against Syria Kurds follows wit...

Our obedient boy. These liars n lizards are going to be a silent reminder where We come to with no King n no God. For a thousand years, this is the grossest punishment I am allowed to give I have no right to kill anyone that Job I leave to God. OK save of a disadvantaged person being harmed it is My business 100% of the time. N I just today can envision a healthy happy future n Trust in Men and girls for the actual truth of their fears n yearns n tears n Joys n jumping dicks n clits Squeeze white creamy one pour. If this displeases You Come Home anyway. Obey Your master n if You think your career is strong two years with Us will least double the income from albums. N shows at thy leisure. I love what You do. N I still miss Daru. B .  Rex:  02

Home for the Holidays

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> OK so You was pissed off n cuse Me a be a lying horny old man. I told You girls was in Trouble. Every wrinkle of their anxiety now grows in Me thanks to You kunt. Time a fucking belief You husband. N now China needs Us way more n most. I am not gonna trade you for every girl a love alive or who is to live on this planet sick n diseased? no man has ever known Our insights. Should We do not this thing? Mankind will self destruct. Jimmy Cliff is Right I AM a Psychiatrist. Save We Really Heal or no one pays. I have no innate interest in inbillable hours. IF I am selling medicine I am selling healing. Do not get Me wrong if I got My leg broke in half I wanna thee best orthopedic surgeon at labor with Me. Not some priest M...


Not one bully living in My neighborhood. Things have changed all over this world You should see Our Instagram account.  Some clown gave Us avideo of him abusing hi baby I need Money now bad. We have asked some of Our wives n find it is not that rare. I am more lived about this n geprgie fugging bushy strutting about.  Literally smacking a five month old baby harder n no girl never slapped Me. I want to Kill this Man. I am growing mean. We have no time left for no girls these mid east excuses for men suss themselves competent to decide to throw acid in his past girlfriend's face by the thousand today n tby the hundreds of Millions have been circumcised 700 million by the Brittish authorities best guess. Not to mention hnor Killings if any man deserves this n could not begin to think of revenge. Just sad n self-pity how can I cause the one I love or ever loved, loss? How can it happen? Today I know You really do love Me for sure. You have never stopped testing Me. Still ...

High Alert !!! Indictments Coming...

I told Ya We be done it now the rest is filling in. God bless Our 144,000 plus. B .   Rex.

Locked Up In Jamaica in full

Lesbian Love Reminds Me of Belleview Never the less it is a horse shit story. But th3 love touches Me. I could I still reason You not running into My arms. Ever notice? Blake

Just Melvin, Just Evil - Classic Documentary about Abuse

N so We saw mommy I could pretend I be asleep better n anyone n Mommy never knew My little girl saw Mommy gag on monster Black dick n she could not take IT ALL N HE DID NOT care pushed her head jamms her head Jizm out comming from her gagging nose. Ahhh the Yellow Roae of Texas. Blake Cusshing King of kings I so love You both.

Home of Horror: Part one - Exposing horrific sexual abuse against teen b...

The defenceless is an erotic stimulant to the little herted men. Especially to those in so-called authorities. I knew as a boy something was sick but I never figured what it is. N it is still happening but in Canada, We hide this kind of thing. and if push comes to shove pay off the boys but, they did not pay off their King. Released into the unwi8tting population civil servant monsters. Really concerned about the vulnerable? Ya right. B   Rex:  02

Girls Needs

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> This little girl needs to cum she knows she misses something n she will not have it. I am just noticing the obvious legal or not legal this girl will b drugged up because she has needs she can not express. Special in a suppressive atmosphere.  B .  Rex:  02

Life After An Acid Attack | Katie: My Beautiful Face

I swear if I was a girl I would be a lesbian fuck men this girl run into one bad one How many more like this are there according to Sigmnd Freud 100%. Homicidal polymorphous perverse. B .   Rex:  02

The King and the People (Monarchy Documentary) - Real Stories

Lies told over and over again become truth? Well almost Truth with a Real King about You 'think this is what a King is. This is but ego run riot. The worldwide worship of greed is at source of 100% of Our challenges as the Family of Man. N I understand the feel-good of making a hundred grand in five seconds. The problem for Me is it got boring. I needed something more. I just could not see a thing I could make so easy be of much value. N then when We watched it being stolen by the Trillion by the bushy family, still hoping to sell Us on Arab Terrorists. george bushy is the lowest life form wiggling on this planet today. And Don Trump has not the balls to say so. They all be playing on the same team. That fuck is a Traitor to human life God his King and himself. Your mom wanna him slive makes Me sick. Fucking winking asshole. Thank You my lesbian cutie. I love em too. Ms. Ellen Degenerous serving her King thank You girl big fat squeeze. B .  Rex

COUP ATTEMPT: Invoke The Military - Take Them Out In Handcuffs

I am not the only one God bless this kid. B . Rex.

TEEN MURDER: The story of 16 yr old Micaela Costanzo killed by 17 year o...

This is what happens to every child lost in war. sickening B . Rex

Crime: The story of 3 girls who were kidnapped and kept captive for over...

Nothing compared to My sisters. B . Rex

Behind Closed Doors: Domestic Violence in Australia | 101 East

Smart girl this one B . Rex:  02


Fifty years to build a marriage. I could a got lost there. B .  Rex:  02

Evicted: The Hidden Homeless (BAFTA WINNING DOCUMENTARY) | Real Stories |

So in any other commercial banks will settle for partial payment. for the full exposure's relief. But for poor people as close to nothing is done. Any Home financing is etched in fiat stone. This is how the establishment jerks off on poverty. The stronger the loss the bigger the cum. I am seeing beautiful human beings but I get so discouraged I will never have even one girl of My own. B .  Rex:  02

What Price - Bride Price? full documentary

Women can be aggravating Allah never said woman need be purchased. I need to labor for riches I got no cows, not even a pig women like to be purchased I do not wanna own no right to beat my woman. I get pissed if a woman asks for gas money n I really am hopelessly old fashioned. I think there is honor or its promise in Everyone; every single heart welcomes what We bring. Absolute Rule over everything. One Man with whom the buck stops. I never thot no woman could be anything but insulted by any offer of money. But Your own Mom insisted and insists she feel better the broker she can force Me to beg for her love. I pay her bride price. This is not just Men doing this.  I refuse to pay for any friend. I have one family I still support. To ignore homosexuality in both boys and girls. To lie will reinforce the distance if I thot paying for any girl and she does have a wanna it better being owned I will pay You every penny I ever make for Me.  If I am a girl and married to a ho...

The Secret Slaves of the Middle East⎜WHY WOMEN? (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. Except if You have a God-fearing King. This is what has my girls terrified to some degree or other. It is what Rules the mind of nigger hearted people. Dominating unreasoning belliger5ence Keep God first n this is not like to happen My girls need help from their King. People think thry do this for free? What a stupid decide. Please God bring My my brides. B .  Rex:  02

[NEW] Evil Lives Here 2019 (October 04, 2019) We Looked Happy

A homosexual man married with children. listen to Your King girls unhappiness reigns in Most marriages More often than not. I so did not wanna see this even Di's Parent's be losers' N Yours n mine too. Where is an example of a successful marriage? Not even Dolly Parton someone wanna be bully, big time wif the whole Family. Games lose their fun when blood runs. As a girl You can do not a thing right. Listen to Your King find a girl to marry first, n leave monsters like this to rumble with their King or starve in hell forever. Separating the wheat from the chaff. Wanna help? Blake Cushing   Rex:  02 Ever notice? B .  Rex:  02

[NEW] Evil Lives Here 2019 (October 03, 2019) Something Wasnt Right

What a Family wow that woman humbles her King. Big Time B   Rex:  02

The Fetus Thief (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

The lure of the disadvantaged? Daddy's Home best look the fuck out. I am in no good mood You kids has come so so so close to extinction n thy collective wit be too dumb to see. Thems at wanna kill 7.5 8ths of Us as fodder for future fruit n flowers. I can speak fro zero-high ground Myself. Reasonable;eness cost Me4 My babies seven and the lives n at least some moms a remember Me now I am old n given away or had stolen 100% of My wealth by birthright and the cops got a hard-on for cash and My own personal insouciance was but the cherry on the cake. They got a show Me whose boss ya sure n they all run n hide from Our mere sight. Show Me one cop jurist or corrections personnel privy to the case can look you in the eye. I bet not one can be found. Beginning this coming Monday I am going to pursue various legal means. Beginning with the individuals working for the crown at the courthouse My Job is all about communication n time to Prove My mettle n show up for a REALLY F...

Tanzania's witch trials | Unreported World

Just like My own family I never thot my sisters would stoop so low. Jealousy petty silly jealousy to get evn for being the first boy n so they murdered Me in their My parent's eyes. Both My mom and dad died in a sea of lies and My jurists helped them. Colluded just like with Don Trump wild accusations were the foundation of My detention. N I had no money too save a half million dollar house I paid for two times over zero was considered adequate Justice for a tall good looking boy from Canada. No credit was given Us for anything. First-Year law student read the disposition of the crown on Us and her reaction was : " My God Mr Cushing You are being persecuted leave this with me. " N I never saw her ever again. OK who to all's surprise turns the fuck out to be King of kings Shit what dumb Canuck Luck just ask Our Mister Ford or Sussex avenue B .  REX:  02 B

Stealing from the Sick - Full documentary - BBC Africa Eye

Reasonableness is the cause at cause for this. For Us here n it happens You have one motha fulka unreasonable King. Try transposing this film to wall street or Washington DC. Today like. This is old fashioned punks tough guys unaligned by aught save greed, is notorious stumbling about looking for meaning. Loos to Me like oligarchs in Russia with My Vladimir Putin. You got a new player ih town n he is King n he serves his God first. Blake Cushing   Rex:  02

This LA Musician Built $1,200 Tiny Houses for the Homeless. Then the Cit...

My God there are some Really men about. I love this man someone hire him as a musician. He is One a My treasures. He lives under the Grace of God n protetion of his King. Thak You from the bottom of Our heart sir. I am so glad You belong to Me. N My Fmily of Man. Blake Cushing Rez:  02

This Women Was Wrongly Imprisoned In Kenya | Paradise Lost S1 EP1 | Wonder

Judges whore even where there is no money fuck Me it is a worldwide epidemic. Justice is due for a Lesson in Manners. Pay attention to Your King This is exhibit A. Blake Cushing Rex:  02

Venezuela's children flee the country's worsening crisis | Unreported W...

These are My kids of whom I am well proud. If God would give Me trillions I promise to live no different n I do now just give me voo doo Ju Ju to run this world. I lost a girl I was beginning to love n the dizzy kunt never told Me how hard it really is. I woulda got her Home Somehow but I did not wanna presume. Now she is selling her body n too shamed a Come Home You Are so wanted girl. Your King be have done that his own most Royal self. Some man so ugly I could not not only not cum but could not even get it up at 16 with some toad who insisted I take My five bucks. I felt guilty I gave him in my mind way little value n We was never even one time threaten to be raped. By no Homosexual Man just one hetero girlfriend. Stupid fucking people think God saddle His Kids with some dead beat King? I wanna all the stolen wealth in this world and even some at be not. All of it so We can create a worldwide middle class. My Kids do not do well with handouts. But give em a chance I dare y...

Cambodia's Virginity Trade (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

OK Your King be need tonnes of money This can not continue under My Rule. Please do not Make Me twist Your arm? K? These are My girls Mine n no one fucks with My kids like this. I do not give a continental god damn who You think You are You obey Me Your King as boss entire n total. Dad

Welcome Nowhere (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

OK I knew I would find it. We find Humanity guilty of this. Totally n  utterly the fruitless need To be better higher elevated than poor people the unwashed masses. Give My People a chance Or We will render Your life make this look like the garden of Eden. The great whore of Babylon is due for a lesson in manners. Daddy is Home. B .    Rex:  02