
Showing posts from November, 2019

5 most touching and incredible stories about kindness, loyalty and love

Adversity inspires Our Kids. I am so in love. B .   Rex:  02

Watch, before it gets deleted.

We love this man. Somebody sign him qick. B .  Rex:  02

Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Awesome Presentation by Gregg Braden

Membrr Marks blood presssure this is fce these gus be speaking like the power of prayer. Prsyer is health provoking for any person it is mere matter of degree and the potency of the pratictioner. N God be showing Us on Ourself a heal others for a dog n pony show. Meditation can be thee most potent self healing possible if done well. We have other friends working with this even I can show an audience of thousands they own blue spectrum energy in seven minutes begin to end. I AM just Realizing You kids Really have something unique in Us. Yes yes yes. B .    Rex:  02

Healer or Hoax? | Charlie Goldsmith put to the test | Sunday Night

He is not a hoax I do it Myself I just never made no big deal bout things. He aligns the energy so it flows in straight lines rather n helter skelter the chaos lies provide All o Us alive. B .   Rex:  02

Everything Is About To Change After Watching This ! Gregg Braden

Aligned integration of Purpose? Anyone? Bless My Girls God damn Yes B .  Rex:  02

The Real Bronson

Killers hardon is found in Prison communities.  Like a virgins panties. Cops? I coulda Loved this guy. He be like Teddy. I gave him Lencia, for a while, he hates hiding his true feels. N seeks God but His salesmen have obliterated any True belief a cure this man. I would welcome him as neighbor. Last murderer I hugged was Danny. N I love him still. Even though he killed on orders from bal. Threateed one look in his eyes by Me was My death. N last time We met, We hugged. I listened to God. N when I do, so do others. Kinda automatic like. Not many men are capable of this much resist to bal. We have been promised death or shut up. By Canadian so called elete. I have been taking a while a make up Our mind. I have never assaulted a cop save with Our verbs. N they seethe with anger n revenge for showing they panties be full of shit not unlike Twitter. Empowers literal blasphemy and and patent Treason n punishes simple swear words. It is predicted no fool will...

A Different Kind of Force—Policing Mental Illness | NBC Left Field

Take a peek kiddies. B .  Rex:  02

Stem Cells: Medical Miracle Or Science Gone Too Far? (Medical Documentar...

God bless pioneers. 115 years is looking possible girl. Sheesh n teaching Yoga? B .    Rex:   02


My God. More smart guys. Only just one half a meal gives Us the strength of ten gods. Depression is the child of starvation. B .   Rex:  02


Unles We got hit records the We be exempt from every thing. Stay away and keep thy self safe. B    Rex:   02

The End of the World as We Know It, with Mark Steyn

This is a smart guy n is near on right? Only thing can stop or even arrest the tribulation People need someone to believe in. A King honest n True. Where all in Islam read the Qur'an. And submit their will to the will of Ahllah This is what Islam means nothing else. No fashion statment no idols at all not even the Hadiths, are even purported free of fault. Never once did My Mohammad ever say believe in Me nor that he was for one second infallible. I love Him so so so bad. B .  Rex:  02

Do We Really Have Freedom Of Choice? (Conspiracy Documentary) | Real Sto...

Take a long peek Bring Me Puss n boots n I will give You the world. B .   Rex:   02

Do We Really Have Freedom Of Choice? (Conspiracy Documentary) | Real Sto...

STories  b   Rex:   02 

Inside a maximum security police watch house where children are locked u...

I was in isolation for 105 days and loved it. I got to read n meditate n was more n contrnt to spend years absent of neighbors. Special with My charges. They done this on Us on purpose n gonna get away wif it. All them funds I spent chasing You n You tun Yout back On Our hour of need Might as well marry My Vampirre. My daddy would loan Me his car a drive round the neighborhood at 12 years of age OK only on weekends damn near all weekend long. it was magic. N these kids go to jail shit. Boys ache a drive cars so so bad near as bad as girls. B .     Rex:   02

True Detectives: Police reveal details of the underbelly killings | Four...

They will go to any length to protect their own sins. We doe to lack of geuine interest are going to die for want of a couple a thousand dollars. So sad too bad he got killed tryingto escape. Can't guess what got into him. How about at the expense of an innocent citizen. Boy had promise he did. B .    Rex:   02

4AM Trump Breaking News 11/24/19 | Watters' World 11/24/19 Fox News Nove...

Psy attention the Rule of Law is not for sale. In any harmonious compounded construct. B .    Rex:   02

The World This Week: Impeachment hearings, Bibi indicted, Iran protests,...

Thank God help Us please. B .  Rex:  02

Think Jessica You've Been Scammed 2011 11 14

Wonderful losers like they King. Thanks, My dear. B .  Rex:  02

Couples Who Kill: Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo:The Perfect Couple

See you could a would up wif someone like him? Hunh? I do not understand at all. How any person can get sex satisfaction from causing loss or to  or for any others Is beyond My cognition.Why? Nothing human should be foreign unto Me. I just cannot conne t the two. I thonk of Me breaking Your jaw n I near puke, n if I did I would n peobably instant kill myself. Instant. I did hit Lencia I did but her nose bare bled maybe one drop a lood n she stepped into a withheld punch. N on the spot I ended the Relationship. Put on a compelling performance I needed her to get it is not OK for Us a hit each other that was My only intention. Provide even an apparent leave, n the dizzy kunt kills herself. She took every pill We had in the house. N the cope tried a say I strangle her? N even had a ambulance driver cofes he thot I smothered her. My lawyer calls the chief of toxicologh and asks if he is a qualified ambulance driver n the courtroom giggled comic relief of the highest orde...

A Different Kind of Force—Policing Mental Illness | NBC Left Field

They still carry weapons a deal with the mentally ill 100% of police shootings can be avoided as is in evidence in England is still today not one bobby has a gun n I personal have seen a fugging hero dressed in blue billy club n no gun n he chose to hold a real pissd pit bull Jaws open to keep it from tearing off his leg while the owner sniggered n giggled at the bobby's consumate courage he trusted in God for the strength keep them jaws open until a special squad with a rifle shot the dog. I would a shot the owner too. Your Arcane Mom be damned. Shit some a yas humble Us. B .   Rex:  02

Fascinating watch - hours in police custody: conspiracy to murder

As friends that been married 18 years. Sad so so so sad. Is this what ya wanna My Queen love like guilty cops n these ones are bloody hero's. We believe this is England and the cops promised to handcuff the prisoner but did not do so ever far as We can tell. N so courteous and empathetic. And no guns no place at all this is so importat for the USA to see. The entire county is under they own fire. Cops love to shoot n so are the people. The state that executes its own citizens for Murder find increace in said crime in coontrast to the state that restrains her lower nature so do the population life itself takes on a higher calling. Think of all the troubles that country has endured and still islamic suicide bombers armed terrorists n still even the detectives have no guns. My God I hate like hell to say this but them Hanovers done some bloody good. Even guys charged with murder are polite back. Don Trump n Vladimir please take note of this issue.'' ...

The list: Unravelling church secrets - The Fifth Estate

This jazz is way way way different n a one second kiss? In his sleep/ B .   Rex:   02

National Anthem of USSR

A bit long winded but they sound like they Really do mean thy have found some pride worth crying tears of inspiration. There is no way it is smart to lose the benefit of all Our unique n at the same time similar characteristics. The new world order is an embartassment to be caught thinking as proof of card carrying idiocy. B . Rex:  02 B .   Rex:  02


This is what I been talking on n yes. long time. Yes. b .  Rex:  02

Hidden Pussy Gorgeous Boobies Masturbation

Hidden Pussy Gorgeous Boobies Masturbation : Watch Hidden Pussy Gorgeous Boobies Masturbation video on xHamster - the ultimate collection of free Youjuzz & Mobile Hidden HD hardcore porn tube movies!

Pence speaks to NASA employees, addresses CA shooting

This is not a thing but a big expensive ego jerk off. Pandering to the most idiotic spending of funds I have ever dreamed of. It be like a drunk betting the family home on a hot tip. Uggh I knew I could never be a politician notice mr Pence has not one wrinkle. Think the girls be rush to plastic face boys? Mr. Pllastic pertfect I am not jealous I earned every wrinkle I got. I do not really iron them awah. Never the less kids tell Me again why you do not need a king. How scientific n all save still have not figured out how a love your own girls n not s zillionth of what any girl has to offer is rare took save her King.  B .  Rex:   02

Forced Marriage Cops (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

Sh he contradicted himself he says you can not hit a daughter and he said i idid not hit her this time he is a liar, and no Muslim. B .   Rex:  02

America's Child Brides BBC Documentary 2019

This is insane a 24 year old guy be in jail for loving a 14 year old girl. I was 39 with a 17 year old girl and We had a wonderful summer n both of Us wanna it continue but she was still in girl guides, I just could not come and impose on no 17 year old's life at 40. So how dare I accept girls at 25 of 30 I am near 70 what the fuck I feel no different inside n I did at 14 when I was learning a make girls cum. I do not believe it rape when love blooms. I would love if other old loves looked Us up n sought Our company but My claims shamed all My friends for the longest while. Now Everyone wanna be Friends No way I buy My wife for no case a beer. Fuk Me I can not believe this. How can a man turn himself into a monster? How? B .  Rex:  02

Investigating Russian Women Dating Foreign Men in Ukraine

You think I exadurate I am telling Y,ou go fetch. B .  Rex:  02 Please Come Home

The Collapse of the American Empire?

If You are smart best get some money to Me. Least Out of the USA I will lay it with Vldimir. I told You it was coming n You blamed Me N it was so wrong a thing to do. As you can see the insight is being shared n Doinald is in the Trouble I foretold. Why does nobody listen to they king. B .  Rex:  02

President Morales Calls Out U.S. Foreign Policy as Trump Listens in UN S...

Oh God My God thank You for My little guys. Bolivia how could I have overlooked You. I am instant in love with You. Yes es es God bless this guy I gota find out his name. \ B .  Rex:  02

Sex in Japan: Dying for company

Ya the burden of loneliness deforms human beings. No Matter what a mnimum of two girls get to get their selves wed to each other n offer themselves to a girl loving boy all the shy n akward soon disappears n boys learn quick what kind of cm gils can provide for each other n understand that ishis bare minimum Result produced all she needs You for is practi e for Paradise. B .   Rex:  02

How the Chinese Communist Party infiltrated Australia's universities | F...

Again a little More on China. Basic pervert little boys fear their own spirits just may exist. Seeking loss for Gain is contray to Metaphysical Law. Look at the oblammatzes have applied for citizenship yet. I say he was born in Kenya n why do I know he tansfured 1M$ to the brand new president in Kenya a remove his birth certificate. Calls himself Black n see that is My name n I say he is a fraud. A demonstratable Traitors the last three presidents are criminals drug trafficking kiddy trafficking  for More fiat pence greedy brubby low class petty sinners high priests of bal seek the born again votes of Christian soldiers still. We are far from amused. B .  Rex:  02

How China is creating the world’s largest prison | Four Corners

OK this is a horror n what closet homosexual boys get up to with no God contrary to all their own ancestors noble lives these basic ego hillbillies like kraker hillary on steroids n speed. However apropos I am going to point out to Muslims You think you chop Christian heads for Free. With no King You are worse m blind. Who ever You aee You b3long to Me n I AM  not pleased. B .   Rex:  02 B .   Rex:   02

Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting

God bless the honorable Cbinese. I havr been on this issue for years n China Do not listen too good. She does not need fiat pence that bad n fuck her is she do this is worse n the Goddamned cartels. I got it n did not do any more research n this guy has done Our homework for Us. I am beginning to feel Real love for humanity. Yas Try n just can't make it. You need Me too. I AM responsible for this n I feel to die but I am not allowed. Blake Cushing .  Rex:   02

Television Reports Covering the NPR "Execution Tapes"

State sponsered killing exacerbates the propensity in the subject population.] A Known idiocy pandering to get elected I could bite thesee skumbnbag perverts throats out with My bare teeth. Wite Cracker sitting on his back porch with a gun at the ready Black kid tresspass his back yard is shot to death n gets off. The Kings Justice shall Reign. B .  Rex:  02

The Last Man Hanged

The Beast a witless moralless monster. Curent Justice. Gonna change big time under This King. The state can never have a second chance at inflicting death God could be seeking a say sometything. This is the reason capitol punishment is never wise, cope and prosecutors are perverted individuals more I do not believe the burden of intent was proved no proof he ever fired his gun n I am sure if he was \ guilty he would have had the strength he did. He dies high class n  hero of his King. I will never feel sorry for Me but I am gonna use My blemish a make sure it never happens again. Ever. n most. And way more can be at play than are ever seen by any public anything. I will cruch each n evry hanging hardons gag your King. B .   Rex:  02

Piercing Testimony of Auschwitz Survivor

Notice the affect Metphysical Law impacts sentience to mimic this on the part of the Isralies is unforgivable. What they do to the palistinians is close. This infurriates Us. Get Ready for some Real negotiations or enjoy a resounding hell for the next thousand years. Choose B .   Rex:  02

The 9/11 Decade : The Intelligence War | Al Jazeera World

This is all propeganda it was the bushy family entire. There is no way an enemy concerns themselves with collateral dammage. These buildings were dropped by someone concerned about limiting danqage soes this sound like an enemy to You? What was the bushys say to the bin ladens at barbeque too bad bout yer boy there you got 144 others don't sweat it. Ummmmh I can imagine wifepoo n mommy take them with a grain of salt. There are influences the public is prohibited from knowledge of germane to all their own issues. When gerogie bushy speaks of punishing those Responsible n Don Trump has not the balls of a king he thinks in four yer increments n We live with Our results forevrer.  George bushy senior was executed nevrer forget this and the rest of the family are born again Traitors. This is Truth from Your King. george bush is full of not a thing but bullshit for his whole entire life same with the oblamatzts still not even a fugging citizen. So stupid with lies I am gonn...

The Executioners - Dynasties of Death #941

Lest We forget. B

Kurds Learned a Painful Lesson! This is What Happens When You Rely on Un...

This is Good I hope Israel feels this too they can thank they King. We caused this to happen if you have a beef beef to Us not to the USA he be just folowing the orders of his King. N Israel would do well a listen up. You do not get a b4 no i9nsouciant bully no more. This is also inobedience unto his King and Yours whethrer you like it or not. I am the Guy. This announcer spounds as if he is working for the democrats the USA never signed on to squnder her peoples My peoples resources to dim the likes of Saddam n Uday Hussein. From what I understand the King of Morocco is no better. We will not have anyone calling they self Muslim fighting no other Muslims you embrrass Mohammad He cringes a see what You pervert in His name.  Our peace be upon him n he is not crushed total by your behaviour I got tired a the angles in heaven snigger at Us n with each other oh look ee here here comes God dnchue kno0w? n it is shame full n stupid no one can replace My God not My mud mommy one time ...

Trailer park entirely inhabited by paedophiles and sex offenders | 60 Mi...

I told You God created Man with this attribute in a huge portion of Our population I do not believe this is a mistake but this paints pedophiles like gay boys with girls there is no attraction at all. Not so the other way around and I wonder if girl pedophiles are the same as boys gay boys with girls? We lack sufficient cognition in this department. It be nice for people a lose they fear? Can We call this liberation? Both boys n Girls? Yes? B .  Rex:  02

You're Not Splitting Up My Family

OK children need Truth do You still doubt Us? I forget what date I am tot be in court? It is soon. N no hear from no one again I will not stand to have this heard in front of a magistrate My hearing was very similar to this family. Presumptuous does not sell well. Ever Notice? B .  Rex:  02 

Children of Shame (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

There is not a thing more insufferable than a self-righteous catholic nun or priest. Or person Really, dominate and avoid domination.  Is nothing on this. Mind You My Grandpa had more authority n the priest The only True Catholic Man I have ever met. He saw the presumption n kinda like osmosis I learned Truth at his knee. I love You so so so much if You refuse to believe Me I will shoot you. B .  Rex:  02

Vladimir Putin

Why bother with Truth?  Wanna cum with thy King? You know what? the more I find out about this guy the more I love him. I find girls with guns revolting, n obviously so does he. Every day I thank God for Vladimir Putin. Don Trump did not listen to his  King, there are costs for that, which he is experiencing now, n it is Our prayer he opens his ears good. Vladimir anticipates  Our every wish n delivers no stories just Results shit God has blessed Us. We whined about Africa n boom he obeys immediately. I AM telling You I am well pleased with Vladimir Putin. He does not let My girls hold weapons I love him for noticing the ugliness in this.  We have recovered better n new from last week's illness. Praise God for so much I am a Real grateful King today. My back in fact is not ruined.  I am not 190 years old yet. It is so gonna be fun running this world with him and  Don and Iran and the Isralies soon to become Really Jews n a bunch o...

VIDEO: Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup "We had...

That is what I mean kiddies not a thing shall remain hid. How's it feel Mi5? Could not even defeat an old man on pension. Where is Julian? My kids be asking some half smart questions. Be Brave n fear not God is with Us, with Us all. Get Used a it. B .   Rex:  02 B .  Rex:  02

(1995) Julia Roberts Addresses Lyle Lovett Rumors

The only reason people are at each others throats is one is not satisfied usually the girl. Any well cummed girl is heaven to live with. It Really is that simple. What ever she needs ask n keep asking n give it to her. Save if she is being a bitch then spank her bum.  See I know what I girls need. N not for love nor money can it happen with no purified heart. Hard a make a girl cum with no intuition. Hard a keep a man the same way. Labour on Your own honest before seeking the love of another. This be never happen with Me.My girls never wanna leave. Never once OK when I was a boy I lost Seaon to Richie Havens she was 17 he was fifty or sixty years old. Black no teeth n a singer n over actor. N I thot them old guys get the girls. Now I do know why. B .   Rex:  02


God bless this girl I am happy for her. Blake

Venezuela crisis: Taos island residents struggle to survive

Come on Don fuck the leaders I will go there n fix things. We can not have humans dying for want of food in an abundant world. It may be an idea to spend some Trillions on human salvation or would You prefer God's Justice instead a Mine? Choose fukkers. Blake Cushing . Thy King of kings.

The Rolling Stones - Worried About You - OFFICIAL PROMO

Yes I am some friends of Ours sing it like it is. Who You think I think Bleakey is? yes yes yes B   Rex:  02

The Young Generation Left Behind In China | Foreign Correspondent

A look at China I knew I loved these people. Goddam are they eve hard workers. If the Chinese government fails with this type of human resources. I will fire them this is a country full of people with manners beyond what their government can imagine. I AM Everyones King n I see things. Blake Cushing Rex 02

Newt Gingrich talks impeachment on "The View"

What the fuck does whoopie Goldberg know about this issue? If nancy pelosi can find no crime who the fuck does whoopie think she is.? She is grandstanding n I think should be pissed on for selling My kids her undisciplined drivel and knowing she did one thing well does not make her any kind of expert in law or politics. Yet she cavalierly holds herself forth trading on past glories enough a gag a dead king. B .   Rex:  02

Love getting ready

I love You so much. So bad. Come Home B

���� Venezuela's Exodus: Forced to flee | Talk to Al Jazeera

Come on Don. Please. B .   Rex:  02

60 Minutes BOMBSHELL interview Jenna Miscavige speaks out

She is telling the Truth. I am a graduate of Scientology auditing school n they tried to tell Me We could no longer hang with My friends. /so I told them to fuck off n they threw Me out of the church n branded Me a "Potential Source of Trouble" They was right. Besides all Scientology is, is a squirreled Buddist meditation Tech, e meters that ron thinks can compensate for a thousand hours of strong meditation. I know they are just more avoiding domination while seeking to dominate others. A dog n pony show that can produce strong results, but like all egocentric disciplines, it is born to lose. L Ron was found hiding and clutching 700,000 in wrinkled bills to his chest dead. According to his son. B .  Rex:  02

Venezuela: Mothers giving away babies - BBC News

Come on Don. Please. Thy King. B .  Rex:  02

Tsar Nicholas II | His Reign, His Faith, His Family

God id generous to His angels. I don't care what nobody say nobodies was never found I do not believe God let this family suffer, homicide. But He did let Your Arcane Mom. Did He ever. B .  Rex:  02

Secrets of the Great Plague

God making sure no natural phenomena ca wipe Us all Out but We are allowed a do it Ourselves. The oceans have an enzyme that eats oil. Can You believe this? Like Me with Hep C. Disappeared. B .   Rex:  02

Reverend Death (True Crime Documentary) | Real Stories

Sexual domination is mean. Sexual get off's are limitless imagine no more sneaky this guy would least do an equitable job. For once the psychologists are right. This man pollutes his panties to vivid images of death. This is a preacher that knows no God save his own ego. Cops have to have instant n utter capitulation by having hands cuffed behind one's back instead of less intrusive in front. No n for those who resist? Instant death, even if you are a blue-haired old lady, refused to listen to some cop she like as not knew his whole life. N rather n give chase he simply pulled out his revolver n blew her head off. This is Sunday Morn on her way to church n this is small-town Ohio.  Never heard tell what happened to the aforesaid cop. The men are perverted but the girls are a horror no truth anywhere in sight. Imagine jail guards can not cum less they dominate someone even More n My girle. B .  rx:  02

Female Pedophiles ~ The BIG List Documentary {Part 1} (Mirror)

Oh God fuck I would have loved it for siure no complain. Never. Fuck I wish it happened to Me B .  Rex:  02

Greta Thunberg - HOW DARE YOU - extended Dance-Version!

Leonardo was right Wrath of God gentlemen, just wait. B .   Rex:  02

Sinead O'Connor - He Moved Through The Fair

Makes M feel like Jean Valjean. yes and has a husband of her own away from Me. B .  Rex:  02 In tears

Casanova Conman | How Hamish McLaren swindled over $70 million from acro...

Not even s good lay. B .  Rex:  02

Sunday Night - Inside Australia's Chilling New Cult (AJ Miller)

Well maybe if We bite him in the ass. I know he is phony why do people need to believe in any such. B .  Rex:  02

Maid in Lebanon I (FULL VERSION) - english 2006

These are not Muslim People these are the bible predict monsters. Domination and avoiding domination wss never God's purpose in Creati8ng sentient life as We know it. I need a woman with a willingness to give up being right even if she is. B .  Rex:  02

Maid in Lebanon I (FULL VERSION) - english 2006

These are not Muslim People these are the bible predict monsters. Domination and avoiding domination wss never God's purpose in Creati8ng sentient life as We know it. I need a woman with a willingness to give up being right even if she is. B .  Rex:  02