Blake Cushing J t S o u f h s t r n o u p o s t o w o n s o r e d · Shared with Public REASONINGS Some things I gota accept. Only eight tones in any musical scale? Ten fingers n toes identical like. Water boils at 212 Degrees Fahrenheit. The True color of My eyes n I can not Really be taller n myself. N My Sex boy or girl? How I FEEL about it makes little difference to the reality. Wanna notice? Just try n change it, for big time Real lonely juice. Listen to Your King. You are all a bunch of assholes. British, Vikings n Netherland folk, Dutch, The African, the Spanish, the Incas. Russians, The Boers, The Irish. The Turks, The Portuguese, Mongols, the China man special today n the CCP perversion in lies n A sharp. All save My so-called Abporoginal kids all over My Globe. The Christian the Jews, The Arab, The Muslim n the Persian, n the Japan folk. All card-carrying assholes. Still, Yer Olde Moms Love yas all. N Me too, but not all a time, I only like yas all ...