
Nicolle Wallace’s interview of Joe Biden is the most embarrassing thing ...

Pathetic he is a presidential candidate Maduro would have him for lunch. A no investment rant ego suck circle jerk Mouth off he would a not survived like this if he grew up in my neighborhood. Even now I just wanna knock his teeth out. Period. makes My skin crawl witless vacuous limp wit both of them are vapid, N paid a 1/2 million a year imbeciles, B.  REX:  02

LOL! Michael Avenatti in Prison Receives a BRUTAL Message from Trump!

Love just love this girl to bits. B.  Rex:  02

EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hid...

This man is worthy of attention. He agrees with Our hunches. N he is a scientist. How can this happen? B Rex:  02


Funny people are beginning to talk like Us. I got tossed off twitter for speaking like this guy. The democratic party is vomitus. Pathetic, lying idiots. nancy pelosi n shumer n adam shitf n others too numrous to mention.  Are still at it. The USA is borrowing itself out of existence, Money is beginning to have no value. Think of it? If I can borrow everything I need. Why bother working? barack obalmmatz is a hero to the nancy. Gag all o them, Gag this King. nancy pelosi is a maxine waters save white trash. Zero difference. Imbeciles in Rule needs over. Skum of the earth. Although Pope francis may give em suck. He likes a play dress up. N act coy. N can forgive anything at do not cost him nun. Even pedophile so-called holy men, Aids positive raping children not just one but thirty is now a regurgitated priest? Maybe the pope n nancy sud have an affair? It is obvious they be holding hands. Sneaky filth is ruling My whole world now.  Vultures in human pretense. List...

Adam Andrzejewski | The Depth of the Swamp

\ We love this guy. God damn just in time. B.  Rex:  02

The Truth About The Coronavirus In The UK Part 1

This guy is real good. Give him a listen. B.   Rex:  02

Buying breast implants: Hidden camera investigation (Marketplace)

Girls be so misled about guys need for big tits. No Man You gonna wanna could care less the size a yer boobs. Nor about a plastic face. Nir is he gonna be found in no strip club he be homemaking his lady Cum. N stretched n plastered like thick face cream caked near fracture they smile. B.  Rex:   02