Alone at the Top They be gonna be all yours alone one day, or We do things Our way, n God's way too. I have a problem n it is a big one You be the only girl who can buy her own clothes. N I love Our new found playground but I will not have thee making me bad n wrong for having fun with whoever We find if it is not Y,ou with, Us, is rare n I still have my squeams bout Bertha but if she be a Really girl she is a total bonafide miracle n I believe she must be God n I thot that be You for a while but this little girl if she is not you will literally bring you Yes the great majestic queen herself be humbled by some half baked African slum kunt is Our well earned Princess n Queen when thee be done. This Kingdom is Real little girl n sooner or later We all need come out of hiding. I have now the worry n wonder will she do me like Peter again,. kneel before oblama one time again n puke pon his shiny black shoes. Will she recognize Us? Will she keep Us keeping ...