
Showing posts from January, 2019

Feeling me she does

jeeeeeeessssze, I wanna see thee momma my little boy bengi he needs a generous momma sweet welcome Home. Ripe in his Springtime perfume stink n I so see thy hot lips suck the kiss just like you used a do. Omn me before N I feel the grip of the long suck grab from the core of you. N the homey stink of thy harem for you.I bow to senior stones to suck n Our testis cream needing release. B  Rex:  02

Olde Tyme Lullaby

Pagan Baptism gonna cost her the holy spirit Secret squeezing Thinks  So good night my love, I can not help but feel thy knees ache for her knees feels my feels feeling his. B 

Black Thunder

Alone at the Top They be gonna be all yours alone one day,  or We do things Our way, n God's way too. I have a problem n it is a big one You be the only girl who can buy her own clothes. N I love Our new found playground but I will not have thee making me bad n wrong for having fun with whoever We find if it is not Y,ou with, Us, is rare n I still have my squeams bout Bertha but if she be a Really girl she is a total bonafide miracle n I believe she must be God n I thot that be You for a while but this little girl if she is not you will literally bring you Yes the great majestic queen herself be humbled by some half baked African slum kunt is Our well earned Princess n Queen when thee be done. This Kingdom is Real little girl n sooner or later We all need come out of hiding. I have now the worry n wonder will she do me like Peter again,. kneel before oblama one time again n puke pon his shiny black shoes. Will she recognize Us? Will she keep Us keeping ...

Second Best

All Your Fault She is more n divine sent I think she may be God. How can any being this young n this much in love ' be interested in me? I am scared she be wake up n say oh no not him really can you tell him I died? This is miraculous beyond even my belief n she is a helpmate so true too like I have never known n so I would never been able a do it for Y,ou if she be not total generous with me. Can You see how hard that one idiom of wit be near impossible for this inspire boy a stray from? Even if I am the wrong guy n these wee bits of think be in fact for someone else thank God in heaven they exist for someone n she is enthusiastic about loving you like I could feel the reality she may be in charge of choosing  Our future brides. N I felt her mister mouse wobble goo good too.  If You really wanna life apart from both of Us n make Us n God suffer thy loss because You succeeded in sending me into someone else's arms and also into Y...

Reasons for things

Long term Planning  She was definate after gold. But her kunt still whispers sweet nothings no one can hear. The reasons for Solomon's wives was profit, they were each a profit center for the Kingdom. I knew no way could he satisfy seven hundred wives n women need satisfaction Solomon would fear to come home to a brood of seven hundred horny dissatisfied wives and the married estate is the favored of heaven. Just seven to ten discontent wives is a horror and a half, N girls do not get it about tomorrow. I paid one girls rent for a year tthe next year I was not about so she is thrown out of her place to live with her mom in tow. I, however, hear for the first time Ghanaians are a lovely people n will not let anyone starve or sleep unprotected as a community this happens n I could have wept at the news, such a worthy people I never knew. Well Canada used to be like that some say it be the immigrants but I say it was the insurance companies. You do not need...

Fuck You

This Boy be Success  In His Own Right Good I am so so so glad to hear this it helps restore Our faith in humanity. Yes babe and that is true i want honesty and truth to reign in all and always want justice to reign as well so that all may know the truth as that is what gonna set us all of us free I want the best for you and for all those who belong to our kingdom such as friends but wont give any one the chance of taking our leniency to be our weakness or taking advantage of our kindness to make us suffer loss. No never will i stand and watch that happen i will always be truthful with us no matter the circumstance even if its gonna make you feel awful i will and that hope you will always understand me and know well that everything i will do will be in our own interest For me for you and for Gita yes for us three Hello?????? B   Rex:  02

Bird song

Dixie sing Me too We have a tremendous amount in common. Enough for a weekend or two? I just said good bye to Janet remember her witth the really cute litttle girl, n she wanted Us both n but she pissed me off n I booted her out the door. But she is back in tears n now We have this clear as it was in Our very first year I still wanns suck thy bum. I so still do n if You do not wanna more I won't say a word I will not even frown but if you do n you will I have no doubt you be gonna eat humble crow n pie. Black bird Sing. Paul M. You have not tried em all n there is that one in a billion remote possibilty We just may possibly after all this time even get along. I wanna give er a try. Leme know. Sorry for the bother old chap. OK so on it is. B

Thundering Rhymes High n

Inside pulse n pound squeeze n  pour, pour splash hot n rich into grateful openings  I need n want to suck thy bum. Please advise. B

Whistling Dixie

Whanna hummn along wif Us? So I wanna discuss Our weekend trysts n I understand We need schedual things n not having access to Our erotic discussion pot We are left but with here to make Our arranging things. I need thee do not doubt Our need of You in both All Our lives I can n Berha needs You even more n me she just do not know it yet n You got a do this job with me n You was waiting for Bertha too. She is the sometthing that is going to happen but has not happened yet n I know what ever smarts n genius I may possess comes from my desperatte years long adoration and love of what ever clues thee would drop as crumbs for Us to nourish Our aching heart n you just ambivilant and hard You was vicious while We was defending sane on this planet n you this must have known. No way could oblama be savory for thy stomach oh God if you blew him I will barf. He would lend his bone to any warm hole in a snowstorm or a summer after noon n little girls ...

Secret Ingredient for Success for girls

Books are Good So are looks n feels no matter where they come are Goo Good n Black n blue. I have a peace descending upon Us We have never known. It irons away Our wrinkles of age, n Our kingdom Kum soon blues. A peace so wonderous I do not even ache for my girls all night long like We done for so so so god awful long. A peace that gives Us fragrance of thy fingers any old time n You grin n do not mind at all n in fact I share thee some O mine, n hers on Our beard You treasure n know soon soon soon the fragrance by Y,ours. A peace I can take with me where ever I go n no matter How far from Home We roam We gonna remember that upstairs bedroom where In Gia n me made thee moan for the very first time. Cry out loud upchuck sobs of a child to finally be a woman True n grateful for the generosity of teachers. N least one boy too. B

I love her too

N need thy help, It is so wonderful n near toxic with Spring dancing Joys n hints of warm summer afternoons. In a land not unlike Ours save We were not allowed inn might make some feel ackward or out of place when really it was me but I so wanted to be there n see Tea n Sympathy offered n sweet received n warm welcomes oozing pert n throbbing strong all night time long n certainly this rosey afternoon with his panties about my ears n I see him so raw n throb need me n Our juicy welcome mouth with tongue swirl n tug him inn from far deep behind, n I feel him squeeze my knees n linger in the ripe stink of me he swore he sso so so loved n still does suck my finger oh God yes I did. Come Home some weekend soon girl. I will make everything OK I promise on my rabbits foot n my grannies old keys in a jar I rest my hand n say this be a true thing what I say to my queen now. You cann not possible in any of a trillion ways fuck Our first weekend toghethe...

Tumescent n throb n need

Seeking a stink I need I got up sick n late today. Feel better now my body is so sensitive even if I do not poop for one day I begin a feel sick n two days like today I felt like I had cancer n all it was be constipation. This was one balled up pile of compacted turds. Imagine being inspired to worship ones God n very own life from a turds point of view. Insist pon it n these are Our great silent majority they feel entitled to ignore life as it passes them by. I been saved by the word of Jesus n I do not need think one more thot. Jesus be gonnna do all for me a cause my pastor do not lie OK save Billy Graham hanging out at coconut grove or whatever the Bohemian joint be called. Ratzinger too We do not have Francis on video doing his downstairs mass to the prince of darkness more n one time but one is all I need to recognize a hypocrite. Fuck off Francis We are coimng a get you. Help me my darling come Homw n be Our brids OK one of them I promise your pride will ...

Virgin Windows

I can believe them How bout you? So, in the middle of the night I call thy name, it be gonna stop someday? I am going to bed alone again tonight n so so so cold n alone. Right it gets tiring always praying for thy deliverance unto Us n be deprived. So what I have learned today is We have a perfect marriage We alone could never have had. You can not forgive me worsen them mean boys in school. I am going to visit Bertha in thirty-five days n We can now do this with ease. N Bertha is right when We have Our life going along right that be the time you gonna realize the mistake you made n I know We have weekends coming up soon. Bertha will be glad and she feels no loss with any love We express withher to or about you she feels safe in Our love no matter who We fuck she told me this herself. She is the perfect wife for me she really is n I never suspected you was waiting for her too. She is the real Mcoy or the best selfie ever born and she could just...


I so did not wanna never have a say this thing unto You Our kiddies All if capitulation unto Our Rule be flawed fires of God seem to what happened recently in California. He has told me either fix this entire mess in seven years from now Your self-destruction will begin in earnest. N I am gonna have to watch no getting around a thing for thy King. I must watch you beat those vulnerable to you n makes Us so angry that if I saw this going on with you n any one of Our girls n We see she be unhappy at all you be good as a dead bug. We will not abide thy exist to disturb Us or Our children or wives think of this: Your own mom be scared a reveal herself unto You her very own kids n I am so shamed a this I hardly have the nerve to confront You with the history of thy Truth. Do not think you can ever get away from me my eternal bride I can feel thy need of me n Birtha claims to be a virgin girl n I do not wanna believe her n I did not w...

I could have danced all night

Imagine Sharing Things N pert like a  So we are off to play with Benjamin n Hamid for the first time in a year. I even love you for loving me enough to punch the living fuck right out of me. I do hope from the bottom of Our heart what you have said to me recent like I need to know You both be home waiting for me We do have an enormous job to do. I will have Our boys take care of girls leaving institutions I think the hells angels be the perfect place to welcome girls out of prison and a really great way to make some bones with their King.  N add to their own world they all have mothers n sisters n brothers n dads n they are not bad men just decisive n listen to a higher truth than the masses of man are subject to. N those fuckers girl I am sorry if We got a spill a little blood it will be worthless blood to begin with girl. I promise but I really do not care what Our boys do to these skumbag fuckers I don't n I never thot I be say this but to fea...

Squirting Splinters Soft

Pink plop n stink give Us the Pavlov's warm I am going to bed n what I had something brilliant to say n now it be gone to thot heaven. Fuck I hate when that happens. We have real serious problems with these kids n We need abject obedience to whatever new laws We endorse OK create No law We write will have no purpose to serve the most pwople all the time no exceptions n We have so much sick be happen in Canada n the police are so afraid of the population they serve they now for the first time in history the police are checking for weapons search everyone before they enter the building n this is the cost to ignore any thing True if policing is thy job. IT is a guilty conscience for police corruption n lies under oath that is the only difference between now and forty years ago it is not the immigrants it is Us. We have let Our expectation of any kind of authentic morality as anything save silly. We have tonnes to do n if you honestly believe We do it better w...

Tumescent Presence

She too offered Us so much  Imagine what We have refused? Imagine Our demand for Our customer, n on thy knees, I wanna see things from inside n behind thine eyes Good night my darling girl you be the subject of conversation today. I do not even care what you say I do love you. If You wanna me you know where I live n also an eternal invite to come n play n live with Us or stay safe n comfortable n find some other boy n blow Our Kingdom all to hell. I need you Bertha needs you there is no way she can handle me but she has a heart of gold n if ' any girl We have culled in the last seven years in Africa she is by far the wisest n the strongest girl We have met short of thee my Queen. I favor her because for some reason We are important to her n I believe her words are not spoof but they still could be she sttill could be You n I think this is probable n likely too. There is nobody could even think of loving with the depth of passion to be found...

Pushing Things

Hard n high N burn so good. Okay babe i am here with you and do love you so much and never can i leave you or abandon me. I have always wondered how true my mums word has been and wonder how easy it will be for her to abandon us if her love for us is true and that she had always meant all she had said to us my darling husband and i was speaking to you before like a prophet will as i saw this coming and you never listened and that told you i am a savior when all have abandoned you and me like the word of God is never gonna change and will always remain the same About that lady asking for the 800 to get that mess clean up i will advice you not to give her a dime and that is blackmailing and not normal though and although i know her words to you might sou d threatening i think you better neglect her and block her on hangout just tell her to go to hell Its just a trap and want you to be extremely careful of those vampires okay I hav...