
The Point

Desar sir.

My name is Blake Cushing

I am Your long-promised King of kings back like a thief in the night. N not happy with much we see of Y
our doings. Two prior Attorney’s general quit after a wee note from Us. We do hope You do not follow
suit but stick around to face the music coming your way. We have studied Canadian jurisprudence for
Years. N gag at the total wreckless goings on. 30 count them 30 reluctant admitted colluded convictions

with the assist of a doctor with shall We say a flexible view of thigs. Other pathologists not only needed

to contradict the slut, but needed to show up en mass to denounce their fellow physician in order for
jurisprudence to take a look at her own soiled panties. This is not usual conduct in any profession.
N so the playwrights, the police have taken it upon themselves to become, fuss n fret for easy
convictions. No one is concerned for Truth at all. N for Good Reason both My sisters purchased the
entire York region police department probably for no more n a million cash. 

Thus excluding Us from Our both Our parent's wills. Police and jurists so corrupt they take a known i
nnocent citizen n rape his life with again I need to stress known innocent Man, n refused him a copy of
the criminal code until after We were released having told all the corrections staff I wanted to defend
Ourself, n still We were not eve allowed to see the clause preceeding each n every statute
FOR A SEXUAL PURPOSE do what ever. I have only one question to ask You sir? How much sexual
purpose can You garner in one second? The cops saw the fly in the ointment for this million-dollar
conviction n My lawyer who I have yet to corral is the only witness to this sick charade. Had Us sign a
document that I kissed the boys penis for five minutes n if that was true I do not think the child would
have been in any doubt as to why? N this was still the case at hearing time. The jurist completely
overlooked one child's testimony: “Look in exasperation with defetive leeeeh n say “Look uncle Blake n
ever hurt Me I thot he was My best friend.” One year We were sentenced on that score. Imagine a
conviction with no complainant? Only in Canada, You say? 

I am told Your dog ate My transcripts. I find this rather convenient. Lawyer poo, interesting he got himself
a nice new office on Bloor street near Jarvis a building actually. I believe belongs to Us as well as his
license to practice law. Never once in the hearing, it was not trial. Was the subject of sexual purpose
raised? Not once In spite of the fact the lawyer knew it was a one-second kiss. Right on a little boys
penis. N that is it. We also plead guilty n normal people think no one pleads guilty unless they are.
N corrections personnel know the Truth is very different n the lie. I know I have studied You're own
souped-up literature. Even corrections periodicals know of this it is far from secret; punish any man
long enough particularly if he is innocent he will plead guilty to get put out jail Today. N I did. 

Having a justifiable disgust with jurisprudence We let the issue go for Years n I have plans to marry a

U*S citizen n I will have this sick disappear. Before We need avail Ourselves of some life We still have
left. N by the way that 170,000,000 is to ne paid not by the people of this province but by jurists,
including lawyers, cops government employees n corrections personnel. We were also beaten in
Lindsay deafening Our left ear, by hyenas in heat, frothing at the mouth “do You think we are your f
riends” n some pillar of virtue snuck up behind Us n punched Our left ear such that it has caused Us
palpable hearing loss. The warden is as guilty as the men who assaulted Us. N when We were to file
a complaint We were threatened with Our life by the warden himself. Right out loud in front of witnesses
the men who beat Us for asking a nurse who was de encapsulating Our meds if she had read the box t
hey come in it is contra indicated n she got cute with Us n We asked where she got her degree in
chemistry? For that We were taken to the room where there are no mirrors n attacked verbally and
physically by those whose job is to protect Me. Sleazy convictions n 67.2 % of Men in jail in Ontario
have been convicted of no crime.  

Police use this tactic to their conviction hungry advantage. If this had not happened to Us I would have r
efused to believe grown-up people could act so so so stupid. No matter how tough you are if You fight for
fun you gonna meet your match n you will not know till it is over.
To do this sick is bad but to do it on Your King is a big mistake, n You have not seen a thing Yet.
We have
invoiced the premiere of this province for $170,ooo,oo. I figure Ed Greenspan was 7 hundred an hour.
I must be worth a thousand for every hour from Sept seven 2007 till the present moment. I know
We checked. N We have not only figured out the law but are writing entire new ones. To replace the
unrelenting sickness You bible predict whores of jurisprudence have crafted for Yourselves n friends,
no accomplices. You may not have noticed cops are real lonely people. 

Friends of Canadian jurisprudence are rare these days. N what I find of particular note, is the life
expectancy of those involved as career corrections personnel. The insurance data show
57 years is the mean age of death saves on pension payouts good n proper. N the bent ones gonna get
tonnes sicker n gonna stay that way for a thousand years. Cops claiming concern for the safety of the
population from kiddy diddlers yet the boys mostly I hope, be taking it dry up the bum for 60 years,

10, 12 years of age, even the cook got into the act, such defenseless ripe bums proved too much of a
temptation tor these set to govern Our troubled youth? N We see it and those left alive were paid to keep
their mouths shut Well I know some of them n I am gonna make tonnes of noise Re; said hypocrisy.
These clowns have voided any human dignity at all. N You and your allies protect them like elite pisoners
in the USA. You n your fresh sluts gonna have a go?
I suggest You acknowledge Your sins for all to hear or drown with defective Leeeech n her crew maybe
even hold hands in hell. N let Me tell You I have been there. I never ever wanna return. But for those
who sin against My kids in any way gonna be having a really hard time beginning bout five years ago.   

Canada has a swmp needs drained too. Sir. N We are doing it. Wanna help Us? Or hinder Us You have
no third option.  

We may not have any really terrorists in this country, it do not stop the police from doing their best to
look like they deal with this stuff all the time. He-man heroes who beat a little drag queen o death. I
t was not caught on video so it did not happen. Imagine the nerve refusing a he-man, all dressed in
spiffy blue n shiny shoes, a quickie blow job? OK page 8 of the Sun newspaper.  

Funny I watched as the Eatons College store window was kicked in I believe there were two I could be
mistaken though I doubt it. In any event, fist off it shoulda been tempered glass. N second the alleged
raving student actually both of them were consummate martial artists to kick in a ten-foot piece of plate
glass n remain unharmed is not the province of the uninitiated. 
For instance, setting fire to their own automobiles for public show when We had the 20 pervert bean
counters in Town a see if there was a way to save this mess from itself, n concluded themselves failure.
Back n the burning cars it is useful to note all the expensive digital gear was missing? Such stupid liars
need a course in lying for effective like.

The one bright thing I heard Stephen Harper say was in front of some US president “I would just like to
see the money be real.” Some way to count on its value. Fiat currency is keeping the Rothschild family
pumping puss ridden cum into the bellies of My kids. 

You will need to imprison Us forever before We bow to this conviction for one more second. I defy you to
find detective leeech, anywhere, n bring her to stand trial. An evil woman that one. Near as evil as both
My sisters. Imagine robbing Your own parents on their death beds for more cash. Once the Cushing
Name was Great n I am going to Return it to its long due Reverence. 
We are to appear in court 505 court College Park at 10 am the 12 of August. We would like in writing the
posture You are going to take, by the end of July. Thank You for your attention to this matter.  

Blake Cushing   Rex: 02

A little history if You will wonder if they will listen now?

Chris Bentley Nov. 8 2011
Attorney general Ontario

Dear Sir

I have given much thought to your suggestion, via your office boy talent; that I take my challenges with specific jurists to court.
And I appreciate your Frankness in noting that as Attorney general your efforts are to benefit the government. As opposed the the people of this province. The people whose sweat contribute to your wobbly elevated status.  
This sounds good on paper, to some I theorize. Get a free lawyer. What a deal?
But, let us look at the facts.
Shall We:
My complaint is that I have been subject to jurists holding court, Superior court, either incapable or uninterested in their efforts, to a degree such that, grade three math, a little addition, and a multiple of two, now this may be what confused them, the multiplication may have been a challenge, they could have just added the figures together and avoided bringing Your profession into disrepute; they flubbed. Profound disrepute. Now I am going to give you a test and see if you yourself may be thus limited. OK Ready: What is 12 plus 7 added to itself, or if you are daring, multiplied by two. Got your final answer? If your answer does not congrue with 36 you will be like me, baffled. It is theirs, in black and white. And in Triplicate to boot! 

Too stuporous, or high on their own flatulence to check. To be bothered to do their job in a professional and workmanlike manner. This is just the cherry on top of the perverted soda called justice under thy rule. They lack the integrity of a bricklayer. There is zero wiggle room in this. This incidentally, is reflected in every origination throughout Our whole ordeal. I would love to debate the voracity of these observations with you or your second, if you will. As publicly as possible, We insist on it. No back room deals on this one. The bait looked so, easy, who gives a PHUKK about this issue, he is a nobody, and you and your playmates bought it hook line and sinker, 'cept this one is going to hurt. It is going to bite back. We do not cotton to perjured jurists authoring law for anyone let alone our people, with a flagrant disregard for any cogent ethics.  

Hence: We with clear cause, rescind the substance of all their, your efforts in my case certainly. 
Especially my conviction. Not a wit in the house, and none sought. And this delirium called probation. Equally desperate affliction of the deluded. And the greasy effort at invalidation, perpetrated by your brethren the police, and medicine men, again with zero Truth seeking. Just conviction seeking, and of being consigned as a pervert by those whose perversions rankle high heaven. With zero deliberation. Zero cognitive questioning. Just get the conviction screw the Truth.     
Likely much of jurists efforts fall into this category. 

Truth requires energetic investment and I am so lofty why bother? Hence: We note the likelihood, much legal origination is thus flawed. House Cleaning time, kiddies and you are going to help. Just think of the individuals who may not be literate enough to note said flaw.  And even if so noted, still hedge against exposing themselves to more of thy grief soup. These are Our people. Not yours as displayed by thy conduct, consistent times too numerous to mention. We will have this insult arrested in no uncertain terms. Immediately if not sooner.    

We have three superior court jurists all dressed in black dragg posing as erudite and commanding the capitulation of the masses, who, cannot add grade three math successfully. We are not referring to the masses or dead peasants if you prefer. And endorse it with their respective signatures. I know it may have been a tough day. So let us drag the reasonable man out of mothballs, shall We, surely you remember him? and see if he thinks that jurists should be able to add at sentencing time? And get it right. As a kind of foregone conclusion. 

Not, just one no, We have superior court prosecutor, my erstwhile legal talent, and said lofty Superior Court jurist, all three combined failed at this chore. Maybe they all forgot to eat their Fruit Loop's for breaky? Not only that, they feel themselves quite justified in invoicing $400.00 an hour to do so. So, to be clear we have three, count em three jurists invoicing $1200.00 an hour to have the mental vitality of a door stop. Underpaid is the incessant whine from this crowd, this fraternity of ghouls. Shopkeepers, pawnbrokers, posing as masters of thought and law. Please. 

This is sadly not a one shot deal. An isolated incident. No! In Family Court We have Stephen codas, a newly promoted partner in a prestigious law firm, reading at four words a minute and invoicing $400.00 an hour to do so. Again in black and white, and confirmed as sound by Justice Perkins. Justice Perkins was not just Our jurist he is or was also stephen's at codas cole et all's, customer. This is hence an arena that I would be fool hardy to set foot into again. Thus far the legal profession has somehow, avoided embarrassment at depth; it is now beginning. We invite thee to enjoy the ride. 

The ripe fumes oozing from the pestilence of law as practised in Ontario Canada would embarrass a bed bug. It is soon, to spread to all their friends. The legal system is broken, as is the system of finance, as is the system of government in Canada and likely elsewhere. Nothing, will remain hidden. We, are going to see to this. And We can add, subtract multiply and divide simple math. Best look out. Underneath the pretence lives an human soul somewhere. In order to come into life fully, it must admit its shortcomings, or drown under the weight of its own fraud. Get used to living on its own turds. Invest in dancing worms. I hear some of them have cool grins. 

We could go on and on. Citing chapter and verse of juristic collusion, and graphic dereliction of duty. For instance: Knowingly prosecuting the innocent and passing sentence, in at least 30 cases involving the deaths of children. These are admitted frauds, reluctantly admitted frauds, extremely reluctant. So no, i will not be taking you up on your offer of a free half hour with a jurist. Not much fruit falls from this tree, for anyone, save the jurist himself. Well, We are here to tell you, those days are over. 

We are King of Kings. We will not tolerate this pox ridden effort to continue. It insults Us, it insults Our people and Our God, and it insults you – sad thing is, you are too stuporous to see it. The grin of the village idiot all over thy face, with pass the pay check if you please upon thy tongue, seeking applause. You embarrass the laws you jerry-rig into some quazzi palatable savoury sauce. Instead of serve. Jurisprudence in Ontario Canada serves itself first foremost and always. I have knowingness of Real Law, I have knowingness of Truth. We see none of this in your sandbox. Precious, little for sure. On the very best of days. 
The princes of your craft are prestigious whores. Nothing more. You can always tell, they are always seeking to buy love. They get the impatient with stuff that requires honesty and trust. 

Tell me this sir if you can: If it is unwise to trust a judge alone, what makes a judge and two lawyers any better? Lawyers are paid to bugger the Laws of My land. The entire profession is standing on dicey ground. Why should one man speak for another, save as a mute? Most of Our people are not mute. Why treat them as if they are? Justice is about exploring for Truth, not skillfully hiding from it. Everyone – even the guilty need this. Even you sir.  

So, as We mentioned in our previous note we will be exploring alternate options, seeking relief from this monstrosity called jurisprudence in Ontario Canada. Oh, and by the way, given that I am capable of reading more than four words a minute, I may even go up to eight or nine. Hence: my time is worth at least double that of stephan codas and I, I reiterate can add as well, so I feel that my time is worth by your own math a good eight hundred dollars an hour. Actually I may be able to read even faster but, we will keep things modest. So, I figure $700.00 an hour for every hour that has occurred from Our arrest in September 2007 until the moment these funds are paid, in fact make it $728.00 an hour it sounds more official. 

So, using your own multiples We are owed $17,472 a day since this fraud was perpetrated. Or $6, 377, 280 a year.  X 4 years thus far and then some. This amounts to $25,509,120.00. Now, we must add penalties so they remember for next time. No? So, use a multiple of two. For the sake of handy argument and the mathematically challenged. So, this leaves a rounded figure of $52,000,000.00. Know what, make it $56,000,000.00 it is over four years. To be paid directly out of the assets of said fraternity, in thirty days of receipt of this notice. 

No tax write offs are to accrue to these funds. No insurance coverage is to be implemented. No government hand-outs of any kind. Skin right off their collective knuckles. No benefit save the purge. This is part of the cost to police or govern, thyself with so little candour, so little fidelity to reason, and hold yourself forth as purveyors of truth. So, little truth. This is the Kings barf. Begin it now. It would be imprudent to ignore this tome, gentlemen. We can get creative with penalties even faster than We can read.  

You can never hence: author, We did not warn thee. That We did not beg, more than once for some sanity to prevail.

Oh and one more thing, a convincing corporate apology would be considered germane good manners. Not just to Us, but a loud and clear one to all, the people of this Provence. Admit your own perversions and they have a chance to ameliorate. Resistance produces persistence. Get the picture? Metaphysical Law 101. That jurisprudence be found in such rags is near, unforgivable. You did this to her sir. It is your boat – you are in charge, hence: you are it. She stands with the vomit of Vampires all over her once noble person. Her stature is upheld by wall climbing slugs of wit, who cannot even be bothered to lie, with some finesse and grace. 

You count on the poverty of Our people and their crafted co-opted ignorance of thy petty craft for your prolonged survival. For instance: Impatience with those without Standing, insults heaven and earth. Just who does some jurist think he is, to – grant standing. All affected individuals have Standing; and must be served by the Law to its very utmost, or go get a job at Walmart. 

This is not so today. You make a loosely reasoned profession out of ignoring Truth. Is this said politely enough, We would hate to upend thy august sensibilities. We hold you personally responsible for this, this what, depravity? I would be embarrassed to show up for work with such a track record, let alone spend a penny of my pay, but then I am an unusual bird. And incidentally, just to give you an heads up -  Truth is my best friend. No kidding. And She is coming to town. Check it out for yourself. 
Confront Us.
Prove Us in error, publicly; I dare ya. Oh, and one more thing, please make sure these funds are certified and the required apology are on our desk in thirty days. Tell your fraternity members they can borrow from their mom. Or perhaps mortgage their home. The how, is not our problem. Sound familiar? 


Blake Cushing Rex:) II

King of Kings

Cc. The Governor general of Ontario
Cc. The Governor General of Canada
Cc.  The attorney general of Ontario. 
Cc.  The attorney general of Canada. 
Cc.  The World via Our blog, and Facts of Love books. 

It is interesting to note they still pursue these issues this was writ in 2011. 
The subject attorney left his post within six months of receiving this ditty. 
As did the one before or after him. 

Poof one note n like Ratzinger pope run n hide from the Truth. An elite prisoner that one. 


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