Thunder Cum 


Barr was scared by the democrats, so was the supreme court. Pathetic posers of the human condition. We are used to kids willing to die for their beliefs. 

Every soldier in both Our Word Wars. What has happened to My courage filled kids? We see only thieves, ghouls and Vampires in power save for a very very few. Way way way too few. And My kids pick up life slkills from their older brothers n uncles. Mr xi wanna suck him own people’s blood. And does big fugging time. Think o this he n Mark suckerberg wanna tell Me what to think and say to My fellow beings. How U feel bout being  

Uiger today Hunh? Something not evn God would do. Think of what You worship kiddies. 

What We have today is what happens when all the older folks are worshiping dollars, idols and circle jerk hand jobs. OK the so-called successful, the guys get lucky in business, like billy gates is a sudden medical expert? think they have the prerogatives of Kings. With zero training. 

Imagine this Vladimir is failing Us with Mr. xi. He still is polluting him panties, humping the family donkey, K the elephant too, but shhhh it is a secret. 

Think of this Georgia fucked with the presidential vote n doing it again now for the senate. Mark Our worlds. Catch them red handed and still make no difference. 

Be like Me writing computer code with grade 8 education. Insulting geeks on steroids and cheap kracker beer.  

Blake Cushing come see Us on Telegram Please. Our being is trying to be dimmed again. Facebook, Twitter, Google have constantly as well as the Canadian government. 

Actually threatened, the Canadian Government  did threaten to Kill Us in front of witnes TO KILL US IF WE DID NOT SHUT UP.  “Some thruth you can spek and some You can’t.” Dr. Gojer be say. Government medicine man.  ALL so-called elite chose to disenfranchise Your God given King. 

But not world wide. We do have some Loyal chidren, kids who seek a wholesome future 

No one dominating no other man. It is not necessary to steal to earn a living. 

How does any guy rip off his own kids? 

How does he allow a few of his kids to make life miserable for the rest of His kids? Too like? 

Truth has never been popular with the Pharisees. Telegram is honest. 

Rex:   102


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