Liars are congenitally sloppy liars cept me.

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We take thing personal Justin can you see now you would have done well to have listened to thy King? Instead of sneering. N that is bad manners too. Insulting thy betters is always frowned on in any society. Can We say this? but lying blinds one to the truth total such that the idiot thinks he is god like the hillary done n hubby poo too n the self proclaimed antichrist fulfilling the prediction there would be those who be say insulting things to God n I figured this proves the bible be daft who gonna gain a nothing thing disrespecting the guy who just may have3 had a hanc in the creation of you? It is just stupid businee=ss it is impossible to happen sorry Lord but You be off thy Royal Rocker here N He goers oh Ya watch this bugger fucker wit of the ages take a wee look see here ion Jain is how any sopciety ios measured. Next my own loved ones raped by so called men. Shit like this pisses me right off n so We are promising you get yourselves submit to Our rule n gwet to work on Your Kings barf Fst You will rue not listeniont to these words. It just seems to me I be doing better n any cop or lying skumbag of a lawyer or cannibal ever dreamed of
ever dreamed of doing. N We have but bare begun.   

best run n hide billy boy martin world famous accountant but famous for not quite what We wanted to see.

Sad that me bering King of the universe n all You inept perverted bag of pus sue me for liable if yopu got the balls to look into my eyes. It could be all kinds of unhealthy for you n just the longest string of bad luck n by the way I will have my sister back n all your children too when they see the reality of Our intercourse with you if they decide for you you know it be only the hope of money keeps them loyal when you have none left then Justice will begin to happen. Sheesh aint life just the darnedest thing. I must call defective leeeeeck n see if I can subpoena her banking recpords from 2007 until today I notice corbin is doing very well one never knows he just may roll over on you he is going to lose his liscence to practice law and what ervrt assets I now own 120% of him. I will leave him after he finishes his term for baring known false witness and coopted others into your schemes even my sister who knew the whole time it was a lie n now you are going to grow more n more exposed every day I will have you where you left me as a lesson to all who would fuck with a defenseless man. It just may turnout to be thy long p[ropmiosed King opf kings like a thief in the night sir when thy children get a good look at you I know one n all will be repulsed n You will live in your own Gitmo some shelter should take you in, n if you think we jest let Us introduce you to some of Our wives. Your mom is going to have you for dinner she ius furious with me but she out n out hates the ground upon which you walk.

I'll b e seeing you in all the old familiar plces. I would love for you to confront me man to man. I mean if I thot you were forcibly or not, forcibly molesting my children  I would beat the living fuck out of you, All We gt from you n my sisters now too is trembling quiet.  my boy you would be hurt way worse n the cops ever would. Trust me on this but that is what I would do if you done what you accuse me of doing. You are a coward and a bully top my poor sister n those kids having to live under thy sadistic rule I pity them all. But You I am not goint to touch a hair on your head I am going to have every one who knows you know what you done n why n the whole nine yards n I would like to do a psychologicsl assessment if they have not been molested bu you. I had never had a single thot onthat but you do or did n this convrtns me greatly for the health of my family once you are broke and in jail I figure twice the time I spent be justice. And the entire loss of your miserable life.

B .    Rex:  02


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