
I have your stink nourish my wit and intuition come glossin royal Crimson pearls drip gold of purple rim fed drip hungry to thirst pon the Royasl moon behind thyne eyes and the girl doing a digitasl reading of my gut her thighs lightly touching my fingers and her metal orb comes so close to Arthur he near stood to attention n blush me silly. her heat rose beyond the ionosphere as her crotch cuddled my right hand silly. In full heat We said Our Adues. She dripping wine I so need to drink.
I have wine sores from belly to toes. I need her nourish more n I need a eat.
I know thee understand my feels. That Y,ou hide away from me is sadder than Helen of Troy.  I can't help but believe in thy Love. I work and so do you. I can not fight you any more. I capitulate unto thee my dear lass. God was laughing at me the other day.

B .  Rex:  02


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